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The macOS system must be configured to disable hot corners.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-257148 APPL-13-000007 SV-257148r905077_rule Medium
Although hot corners can be used to initiate a session lock or launch useful applications, they can also be configured to disable an automatic session lock from initiating. Such a configuration introduces the risk that a user might forget to manually lock the screen before stepping away from the computer.
Apple macOS 13 (Ventura) Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-02-06


Check Text ( C-60833r905075_chk )
Verify the macOS system is configured to disable hot corners with the following command:

/usr/sbin/system_profiler SPConfigurationProfileDataType | /usr/bin/grep "wvous"

"wvous-bl-corner" = 0;
"wvous-br-corner" = 0;
"wvous-tl-corner" = 0;
"wvous-tr-corner" = 0;

If the command does not return the following, this is a finding.

"wvous-bl-corner = 0;
wvous-br-corner = 0;
wvous-tl-corner = 0;
wvous-tr-corner = 0;"
Fix Text (F-60774r905076_fix)
Configure the macOS system to disable hot corners by installing the "Custom Policy" configuration profile.